Today we play the latest wrath service, which was launched a few days ago. it's been five days since the release. Today I thought I'd try something new. I've observed that one server known as tackle, the server that allows PvP for Europe has a huge amount of queues. We're talking about five to six hours wait times at peak times. as yesterday, there was a 300-minute queue. That's roughly an average five-hour wait.

The queue was about 10.000 people sat in the line waiting to log in. On giant soccer, another study, the longest queue I've seen was 500. It's 500 people in a queue that is about half an hour long, about half an hour, or 20 minutes perhaps. Also, 20 minutes wait time to joining soccer, as opposed to, I would say, five to six hours waiting in line for tackle. Today I decided to go ahead and did a few scans both on the technical and online store here. We can now look at the number of people.

This video here is an assessment of the population for the new rock service. It's possible that I'll do an update to this video in the future, perhaps within a week or two. We can then look at the number of people living in the area and the number of people quitting in the midst of wrath coming out. So, I've completed an image here, you can see the effect as well as it's on Lions. You can also see the time here at 9:53 am. The scan has been going on for about two hours at a time. The scan started at 8am. It's already 10am.

Now. This is from 8am to 10 am on Sunday, that's why not a lot of people are participating. However, with 3718 students on our faculty have some things I'd like you to be aware of and take a look. First of all, we're taking a look at levels 60 and also the number of players who are at level 60.

In addition, on this survey this is important in comparison to the other survey which is to join the store here, which we'll look at later. However, if you look at the bars, I could not manage to get me under 20. It takes an incredibly long time to scan since there are so many people online. It takes time to complete the scan here.Because, you know when you're locked out, you can't finish your week because, well, realm realm balances is abysmal at the moment it was in my previous videoabout choosing the right server is important. Servers, in particular, queues are getting insane, good luck logging on the prepatch. You'll need to do it early. However, they ultimately decided that the moment anyone wins on a realm wins, the way it's going on until now, but it could change isn't it? If any player on the realm is successful, let's say that single Alliance player or Horde player will win their own instanced variation of Wintergrasp.

So there's many instances of the faction fight taking place. WoW Classic SoD Gold If any of them is victorious, the Wintergrasp's control will go to the winner, but that means that the two factions are gonna always be able to use it for their specific version. That's basically saying, Wintergrasp you're just always going to be able to have it. There's no way to guarantee that you'll actually not have it. It's similar to what it sounds like however, each year it's going to be different.

This time, it's different.

Another big thing I'm convinced that a lot people don't realize is that we're about to start with the game and already have pre-patches on Wrath of Lich King patch 335 This is the class balance patch. We're not likely to see an overpowered Death Knights and we're definitely not seeing that ridiculous version of cheap WoW SoD Gold Paladin with Divine Shield just one shots people who I loved that character prop Paladin is a prop. Paladin is the most powerful PvP class for Paladin.